Critical Reflection for Oral Presentation

I feel that the idea of having an Oral presentation for the module effective communication is good as it challenges us guys to think and present our ideas in a fluent manner. It also allowed me and my group mates to bond as we have to meet up to practice for the presentation. I learned a lot from my group mates in these meetups.

A few days before the actual oral presentation, my team and I meet up a couple of times before the presentation day. Initially, I struggled with conveying my ideas as well as presenting them as it's been roughly two years since I gave a presentation. However, I did try to speak to myself at home, and eventually, I felt more confident in myself.What I could have done better would be to present more confidently and lower my voice as I feel like I am shouting in a small room. This can be seen in a classmate's feedback form.

In my mock presentation, Professor Blackstone gave me some feedback and state that I should not use any ‘Singlish' in my presentation. During my final Oral Presentation, I took the feedback into account and tried my best not to use ‘Singlish.' Even though I felt that I struggled with my mock presentation, I am glad that I managed to achieve my goal in this module which is to learn to summarize my points better.

Overall, I feel that my presentation was mediocre. A few aspects such as my tone, language, and my posture could be improved. I could have presented my ideas more professionally and less aggressively. I will learn from this experience and l try my best to take note of the problems in future presentations.


  1. I appreciate this detailed reflection, Luke. You and your teammates made a solid effort. I was happy to see that hard work and result in a good presentation. Of course, you can do better going forward. All the best for that!


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