Critical Reflection about your learning in the course

In the last 13 weeks, effective communication has taught me to work with different groups of people. When I first stepped into the class two months ago, I thought that the first few people I was working with were going to be my group mates for the entire course. However, I was wrong as I was always asked to work with different members in the class and thus learn to adapt to the different dynamics in a group. Effective communication has also taught me to be careful with what I write in another proposal or emails. I learn how to write a proper official letter through many tutorial lessons and also an actual email was sent out to the Division Of Estate of Singapore Institute of technology.

Working with different people after every small assignment has also taught me that I must work well with others. Many times, in the working world, we will not be able to choose our teammates to do a project. I feel that effective communication has in a way emulate this ‘working experience’ as we are not allowed to choose our teammates, and instead, we are being assigned to specific groups to undertake a project. I am also thankful to have learned the APA referencing format as I believe that learning this referencing format style will be handy in the future as currently, in trimester 1, we are also required to use this referencing format in other modules as well.


  1. Thanks, Luke, for this detailed reflection. I appreciate that you found so much useful learning in the module. I hope you achieved the goals that you had set for yourself!


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