
Showing posts from September, 2017

Reader Response Draft 2

In the article “Use Of Cladding In Buildings Here Have Grown In Recent Times” by (Mokhtar, 2017),  the use of cladding to make buildings more sustainable has increased over the years. The term 'cladding' refers to a cover for buildings as they prevent the sun from shining on the exterior walls.The benefits of this are it can help improve the energy efficiency of the building as the air-conditioning unit do not need to work as hard. Additionally, claddings are also used for noise and rain protection. However, the use of cladding has been under scrutiny, as reports show that they may be a factor of deadly fires. As mentioned in the article “36 buildings may have combustible cladding that doesn’t meet safety standards; police investigating” by (Loh,2017) a recent incident at 30 Toh Guan Road involving cladding, causes a 54-year-old woman to lose her life in a deadly fire. According to another article “ Cladding for 36 buildings may pose fire risk,” (Mokhtar,2017), investiga

Reader Response Draft 1

In the article “Use Of Cladding In Buildings Here Have Grown In Recent Times”,  Faris Mokhtar (2017),  the use of cladding to make buildings more sustainable has increased over the years. Claddings are used as a cover for buildings as they prevent the sun from shining on the exterior walls of the building.  Claddings are also used for noise and rain protection. However, the use of cladding has been under scrutiny as reports show that they may be a factor in a deadly fire in the United Kingdom. On 14 June 2017, a deadly fire occurred in Kensington and 30 people lost their lives in the fire. The reason was that the fire was able to spread quickly and upwards through the ventilation gaps between the cladding and the building wall. Similarly, in Singapore, a 54-year-old woman was killed in a fire after it broke out at an industrial building. According to another article “ Cladding for 36 buildings may pose fire risk,” Faris Mokhtar (2017), investigations found that the panels us

Summary - Draft 1

According to the article "Use of Cladding in Buildings Here Have Grown in Recent Times," Faris Mokhtar (2017), cladding is used to make buildings more sustainable but also poses new challenges. Cladding enhances the appearance of a building, blocks noise, provides rain protection and serves as an insulation for the buildings. However, it poses a fire hazard. Application of cladding varies with climate. In colder climates such as London, cladding is filled with thermal insulation while in hotter climates such as Singapore, a non-combustible cladding is used to provide greater cover while meeting the fire safety regulation. On top of that, the Singapore Civil Defense Force (SCDF) has been involved in annual fire safety inspections. In conclusion, cladding can be advantageous as long as the material suits the climate and fire safety inspections are done annually. Edited 24 September

Summary on The use of cladding

According to the article “Use of Cladding in Buildings Here Have Grown in Recent Times”, Faris Mokhtar (2017), Cladding was introduced many years ago to make buildings more sustainable but they also pose new challenges as well.   Claddings are made of plastic or aluminum to cover the exterior face of a building. Its advantages are to enhance the appearance of a building, blocking of noise rain protection and make buildings eco-friendlier. However, the cladding can also be a fire hazard as the air in the gaps is heated causing high upward wind speed. In London, after cladding is fitted in a wall, thermally insulated gaps will help in the ventilation of the building. While in Singapore, facade layers are added to provide shading. The cladding does not contain any insulation material that can increase fire hazard. Overall, I feel that claddings in buildings is a good idea as even though they can be a fire hazard, the material can be changed to make it less of a fire hazard

Subject: Self- Introduction

Dear Professor Blackstone, My name is Hsiung Wei and I am a student in your effective communication class. I graduated from Temasek Polytechnic with a diploma in green building and sustainability in 2015, and applied to Singapore Institute of technology after my time in National Service and received an offer after going through an interview. My interest in photography started when I was studying in Temasek Polytechnic. Back then, my lecturer would ask my friends and I to facilitate learning sessions where secondary school students came to learn about green technologies. One day, my lecturer asked whether I could help take photos for the sessions. I agreed to, and that’s how the passion started. In terms of communication skills, my ability to interact with my superiors professionally has been nurtured over the years. During my internship in Polytechnic, my team and I were tasked to present our findings to the entire engineering division before we left the company. It was an ext